Dec 17, 2010

Comin' BACK!!!

If it's news you're missing, it's back!

Check out Playfish and Zynga!

Is Playfish still on the Facebook top 10 game producers? Or is Farm Ville lowering to the top 100 instead of top 10?

We can't say, but Zynga has released Mafia Wars: Italy, City Ville and maybe some ads on Frontier Ville and City Ville.

Mafia Wars

Italy has come... It's about time some classic taste has come. Winery? Here's a tip about owning a winery (*YEY!!!* TIP!) : Building one, is gonna get you Olive Oil every time you collect!!! And One Olive Oil = 100 attack skill! (P.S. This is by means of your Mafia or maybe total attack, not your skill.)

Got low on cash? Hmm... Got a problem on that... But don't worry, once I find a way, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna post. (Referring to Lira from Italy)

Pet Society

Ahem... Christmas card? It's another opportunity for the animator's dream. But it's basics. You can choose the dialouge, and well, it's more like movie making though. But anyway, we got the Christmas tree ornaments again, and we wonder if Santa's coming into PS. But then a tip throughout all year: Join the cafe club, and click on any dirty pets. Clean them and you earn bucks, also from doing an action.

That's all!

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